Sunday Morning Worship - May 15, 2022

Sunday, May 8, 2022
Rev Nick Braunschneider

Sermon Series: "50 Great Days"

Sermon Title: Week 3 - "Your Labor Is Not In Vain" (Jn 10:22-33) | Rev Nick Braunschneider

Sermon Description: What practical, positive difference does the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead make in your life? Because Christ's labor was not in vain -as proven by His resurrection- your labor is also not in vain. "For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and labor of love..." (Hebrews 6:10). A message not only for mothers, but for all of us.

Scriptures: Acts 13:14b-16, 26-39; Psalm 100; John 10:22-33

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