Sunday Morning Worship: December 24, 2023 | Advent Love

Sunday, December 24, 2023 Sermon Series: "O Come, Immanuel" Advent series

Msg 4: "Come, O Radiant Dawn!”

Sermon Description: It is fitting for us to celebrate Jesus’ birth in the darkest time of year in Northern Hemisphere. He came as the Light to a 1st century world that was cloaked in darkness. What about today? Moral, spiritual, and geopolitical darkness that has seemingly descended upon the earth again. This makes Christ's coming truly good news! Where has the darkness crept into your heart? Your mind? Your life? Do not despair; Light is breaking on the horizon. The Savior comes to you as the "Radiant Dawn!"

Scriptures: Isaiah 9:1-7 Psalm 24; Luke 1:26-38.

Thanks for joining in! We're so glad you could be here this morning!

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