Bloodline: Beyond "Do No Harm"

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Bloodline: Beyond "Do No Harm"
Pastor Nick Braunschneider

"Bloodline" is our new Sunday morning teaching series. Over the next few weeks, we are taking a look at race and racial equality, from a biblical perspective.

This week's message is entitled, "Beyond "Do No Harm."" Promoting racial equality in our country should be important to us, because it's important to Almighty God. It is how the story of the Bible begins, and it is how it ends. In our endeavor to be people of "The Book", we must not stop short of fully embracing the implications of the Great Commandment: to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Message begins at 21:50.

Genesis 1:26-28,31; 2:7-9,18-25
Psalm 139:12-18, 23-24
Mark 10:17-27

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