Sunday Morning Worship - August 20, 2023

Sunday, August 20, 2023

New Sermon Series: “Hearts Ablaze” - a series on the nature of God and His Church

Msg 3: "What the Church Needs Most of All" | Rev Nick Braunschneider

Sermon Description: For far too long, the Church in the West has acted as though the mind of a person is the only thing that matters. "What do people need to know, and what must they do?" we ask. But human beings are more than just "brains on sticks" (as one theologian puts it). We are lovers, who are often driven by our desires more than anything else. If the Church's primary problem today is that we love both God and man too little, and we love ourselves too much, then what do we do? Can the core 'loves' of our heart ever truly change? Yes, indeed they can!

Scriptures: Colossians 3:1-10, 12-17; Psalm 107:1-9; John 1:35-42a.

Thanks for joining in! We're so glad you could be here this morning!

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