Sunday Morning Worship: November 5, 2023 | "Convenience...At A Cost"

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Current Sermon Series: "BIG TECH - Christian Discernment in Today’s Technological Age"

Today’s Sermon: (Msg 4) "Convenience…At A Cost" | Rev Nick Braunschneider

Sermon Description: One of the major benefits of much of today's technology is the many modern conveniences it offers us...some of which are grand indeed! However, we must keep in mind that there always is a trade-off. What do we really gain? And perhaps more importantly, what do we lose?

Scripture: Hebrews 12:18-29; Psalm 46:1-5, 7; Luke 13:22-30

Thanks for joining in! We're so glad you could be here this morning!

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