Sunday Morning Worship - March 19, 2023 (LENT IV)

Sunday, March 19, 2023

New Sermon Series: “Eucharisteo! A life offered up, and poured out”

Msg 4: SUBMISSION | Rev. Nick Braunschneider

Sermon Description: Is there a word more hated today than submission? Well, maybe authority...and of course, the two go together. Both relate to power.

We've all seen power misused and abused. Jesus Himself warned His disciples about the danger of power wielded in an ungodly way (Mt 20:25). However, we are often guilty of resenting and resisting proper power and authority. There may be no greater struggle for the Christian than saying "No" to oneself, and saying "Yes" to Jesus, each and every day.

Scriptures: James 4:13-17; Psalm 32:5-12; Matthew 8:5-13

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