Easter Sunday Worship Service - April 9, 2023

Sunday April 9, 2023

New Sermon Series: “Eucharisteo! A life offered up, and poured out”

Msg 10: JUSTICE | Rev. Nick Braunschneider

Sermon Description: JUSTICE. The word stirs up a range of thoughts and emotions in people today, and has become a rally cry for many. Justice is important to the Church, and is at the heart of the Easter message that sounds forth from the bloody cross and the empty tomb. The virtue of justice is meant to shape us: in how we live before God, and alongside other people. We use the word a lot, but do we understand the true meaning of 'justice,' or the implications it has on our lives?

Scriptures: Romans 3:19-28 ; Psalm 118:14-17, 22-24; Matthew 27:50-54, 28:1-10

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